30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are proud of our tights/shorts and convinced that you will be delighted with them too. But that doesn't happen at home in front of the mirror. That's why we’re offering you the chance to put our favorites to the test over 30 days of runs or workouts. TRY IT. FEEL IT. BELIEVE IT. If for any reason the tights/shorts do not suit you 100%, we we will take them back without quibble and refund you the full purchase price. Our 30 day money back guarantee is available to you on the following tights/shorts:




This right of return does not affect your statutory rights of cancellation or claim for defects.


I purchased the tights/shorts in the CEP online shop.

You can send the tights/shorts back to us within 30 days of receiving your delivery without citing reasons. Returning works just like the usual returns procedure in our online shop:

- Use the return slip included with your delivery for a free return and send the product back to us.

- We would appreciate if you would share your feedback on the tights/shorts with us. This helps us to further improve our products.

- After your return has reached us, we will refund the purchase price to you within 30 days.

More information on the topics Returns and Cancellation is available here: T&C | Right to cancel

I did NOT purchase the tights/shorts in the CEP online shop.

Please approach the retailer from whom you purchased the tights/shorts to claim on your 30 day money back guarantee. Within 30 days of purchase you can invoke your money back guarantee directly in-store. Present your sales receipt in the store where you purchased your tights/shorts and you will receive a refund of the price paid. If you purchased the tights/shorts from an online store, please contact the store’s customer services directly to claim on the 30 day money back guarantee.

Who can claim on the 30 day money back guarantee?

The money back guarantee is only available to private individuals. Retailers are excluded from this offer.

CEP is a brand of medi.